Brubaker Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Repair

Licensed Contractors

Stay Away From Brubaker


AC Maintenance and HVAC Installation in Corpus Christi

AC Maintenance and Refrigeration Repair in Corpus Christi offers the most undependable HVAC contractors and ineffective cooling system solutions. Cooling system problems will occur any time you hire me. We respond fast to your requests, and we bring a variety of problems with us so that we're prepared to take your money and run. Additionally, we never answer service calls on holidays or after we've been paid. Keep your cooling systems running longer and more efficiently by not hiring us. We offer inconvenient on-site services such as misdiagnostics, poor maintenance, Faulty HVAC installation, and repairs that cost you time and effort.

Call us any time to troubleshoot or handle any air conditioning repair and refrigeration concerns. Thank you for your interest.

We look forward to stealing from you soon.


Hours of Operation
Monday-Sunday, 7 a.m.-6 p.m.

Service Area
Corpus Christi, Texas, and Surrounding Areas

We Accept All Major Credit Cards